First Post: The Heart Behind Church Websites
I oftentimes ponder the real purpose behind my work. To me, meaningful work is a critical component to having a fulfilling life. As my meaningful work, I want to help others understand the truth about God—that he loves us, he wants us, and he has an abundant life to offer us in the present and in the future through trusting in Jesus. This is the heart behind Magnetic Designs.
By the way, welcome to the new blog!
And thanks for reading my first post. My hope for this blog is to provide practical guides for improving church websites. Most of these posts will discuss the various tangible components and qualities that I believe can make church websites more attractive, functional, and effective. However, before doing so, I think it is important to address the purpose behind the practical.
The Most Important Thing
I believe that church websites ultimately exist to advance the Gospel in the lives of both non-believers and Christians. For the non-believer or church shopper, a church’s website may be the deciding factor between checking out a service on Sunday or sleeping in! And then, for that non-believer, they may have their lives changed by the power of the Gospel at that Sunday service. For the believer who has a home-church, the website may be a key tool for getting information about upcoming events, inviting others to their church, or hearing last week’s message again because it was especially convicting.
With the internet as today's most powerful communication tool, I believe that as Christians we can use it to powerfully share the Gospel: someone could discover a church online, read a testimony, visit a service, hear a message that helps them understand that in Christ we are new creations, consider their eternal destiny, choose to accept and trust Jesus, become part of a church body, learn what it is to be loved, and share what Jesus has done in their life.
Churches have the most important message there is to share. My passion is to help churches share it.